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global bond markets

Global Bond Markets : Neon-Flashing Warning Signs

The slow but steady implosion of global bond markets is no longer a debate but fact. Knowing this, investors can

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Thoughts on Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDC

As promised in prior reports, below is a deeper dive on the topic of Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDC.

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Signals Matter


Like many, we at Signals Matter see each New Year as an opportunity to look back, confirm best practices, learn

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market chaos

Market Chaos: It’s Now Inevitable for 2023

Below, as we head into a new year, we consider a blender of simple math, sober facts and comical arrogance

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currency bubble

A Titanic Currency Bubble—The Last Fed Bubble to Break

Below we track years of desperate yet deliberate central bank bubble creation (and can-kicking) to its ultimate end-game: A currency

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bad banks

Bad Banks Behaving Badly

Bad banks are bailing bad banks. Below, we take a quick look at a long problem. Ford’s Warning Many of

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What SBF & the FTX Implosion Says about Us

Below I offer some admittedly biased social commentary on SBF and the FTX implosion that goes beyond just crypto debates

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smart investing

Smart Investing: Play Where the Ball/Puck is Headed

From polo to hockey—it’s a known fact that the best players think three moves ahead; the same is true of

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rising bond yields

Rising Bond Yields—The Latest Shark Fins Circling Our Markets

Below we examine a credit market losing all credibility as rising bond yields, like rising-rate shark fins, circle in for

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American markets

Three Graphs to Challenge Your Faith in American Markets

American markets are looking scarier than Halloween. For those familiar with our market reports, we endeavor to make the complex

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